because looking inward and telling it like it is...
is how I carved my own path

The Grief Warrior®

Transitioning is the alchemy of existence, the eternal recurrence of change. As your Holistic Life Architect, I offer you a map and a compass. Let’s navigate the labyrinth of the soul and transform it into sanctuaries as if we were rewriting the stars themselves.” -The Grief Warrior®

Her resonance is a tone to behold.

As a Highly Intuitive Healer with a journey marked by PTSD, her life embodies transformation, channeling deep emotional insights into a catalyst for meaningful purpose. Her determined navigation through the complexities of PTSD has not defined her but rather elevated her essence, anchored in her unwavering love, faith, and adherence to truth. MiMi is a pillar for those seeking profound inner transformation. This energy naturally attracts those committed to changing their lives, whether in soul, body, mind or the alchemy of turning bricks and mortar into a sanctuary, making her guidance invaluable for those who are intentional about their healing journey.

MiMi, is the Soul Architect and Intuitive Practitioner, creating deeply customized “Destination Unknown” retreats for those searching for profound, soulful transformation. These retreats are carefully designed to resonate with each individual’s unique spiritual essence, offering rejuvenation and a pathway to significant personal change. MiMi’s approach is distinctive; her retreats, shrouded in confidentiality, promise an unparalleled healing journey. Drawing upon her innate gifts as an energy healer, she employs a blend of innovative techniques, including her own Soul Design™ method and the 7 Stages of Grief® modalities. This holistic approach ensures a transformative experience rooted in trust and truth, akin to the ancient wisdom beyond existence. Explaining the depth and uniqueness of MiMi’s modalities may challenge conventional understanding, yet this very uniqueness forms the cornerstone of the healing journey she

MiMi’s essence illuminates the authentic paths of those she guides. Beyond her mastery in therapeutic arts, she’s a celebrated gifted healer to wounded souls ready to EMBRACE truthfully and fully. 

The Turning Point:

In 2001, MiMi faced a life-altering challenge when her teenage son was diagnosed with cancer. Amidst this turmoil, MiMi encountered a pivotal setback while serving as an Executive Property Specialist at The Rivervue in Westchester County, a property under the ownership of Davis & Partners, famously associated with Michael Fuchs of the Chrysler Building. Her request for reduced hours to care for her son during his chemotherapy treatments at NYU was met with an unexpected termination from her position. This series of events catalyzed a period of profound adversity as a single mom with full custody, receiving no child support, culminating in a diagnosis of PTSD following a nervous breakdown, the loss of her home, and enduring emotional abuse.

However, within this crucible of challenges, MiMi’s unyielding resilience took shape, forging her into the Holistic Wellness Alchemist she is today. Her journey, marked by establishing boundaries and an unwavering commitment to love, faith, and truth, has transformed her into a pillar of strength. MiMi is now a radiant of hope and guidance for those navigating their silent battles, embodying the stability and transformative energy that inspires profound change.

The Core Mission: While she continues her advocacy dedication, her focus sharpens on those fully committed to ‘transitioning’—be it through the soul’s corridors or the doors of a new home. With a rich legacy in Holistic Real Estate and her impactful 7 Stages of Grief workbook course, MiMi’s mission is crystal clear: she crafts pathways for seamless transitions steeped with wisdom and spiritual insight.

In my 58th orbit around the sun, this enduring journey has gifted me with the tools to navigate my disability gracefully and opened my authentic heart to help guide others out of the living hells they may not know their way out of. Through selflessly earned wisdom through traumatic obstacles, I aim to be a source of light for healing and transformation.” ~MiMi

Are you ready to Pivot with Purpose?

Dear MiMi,

    While I may not be a clinical grief specialist.

    I am equipped with what I refer to as

    the “CAT credentials”

    Compassion. Authenticity. Trusting.

    These aren’t just words; they’re the lifelines for genuine healing.

    The Grief Warrior®